Of course there is another problem for Paul. Foundation was written in
Blitz Basic 2 and that can't generate PPC code either. Paul, time to learn
C methinks 

> Erm. According to the AF survey results, the majority of people now
> have an 030. Whilst I know that a survey like this is going to be
> biased to the people who could be bothered to send in the survey in
> the first place, which may not include "power users" with faster
> processors, I'd hate to think what playing Foundation on an 030 is
> like, if an 040/25 is "slow". :(

I currently run Foundation in RTG mode with a 030/25 pending the arrival of
my 060. Its quite playable. In fact back in the days when I had a 040/25 on
my A1200 and doing Foundation beta testing it was really cool.

>>> I'm getting a BVision (when they finally appear) - how much of a
>>> speed increase over AGA is achieved with a gfx card?
>> Not much. The game needs a fast 68k CPU for RTG modes.
> Oh :( That doesn't do a lot to convince me to buy the game, I must
> admit.

The current version is slower in RTG mode because it makes OS calls to do
this. However I think Paul has plans to do direct calls which will make it
a lot faster than AGA. Correct me if I'm wrong Paul! :)

